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ST. PETERSBURG -- Bay news 9 anchor Al Ruechel interviews The Power of Song CEO September Penn about Sounds of the Civil Rights Movement: The Power of Song 2016.
ST. PETERSBURG -- JAN. 11, 2016 The Power of Song CEO September Penn appears on WMNF radio with Radioactivity host Rob Lorei to discuss Sounds of the Civil Rights Movement: The Power of Song St. Petersburg 2016. Hear the interview on the link below.
ST. PETERSBURG -- The Tampa Bay Times broadcasts video of the Sounds of the Civil Rights Movement: The Power of Song.
Students from Bay Point Elementary joined the cast of Sounds of the Civil Rights Movement: The Power of Song 2016 and were featured in this photograph in the Tampa Bay Times. The photo shows the students at The Palladium Theater where the performances were held.
This photo from Sounds of the Civil Rights Movement: The Power of Song 2015 appeared in the Kansas City Star.
Sounds of the Civil Rights Movement: The Power of Song appeared in the Tampa Bay Times in 2015.
WMNF's Rob Lorei speaks with the writer and director of Sounds of the Civil Rights Movement: The Power of Song ahead of the 2015 production. Listen to the interview on the link below.
The Power of Song Inc. sponsored an organized an event that honored the Courageous 12 police officers in the St. Petersburg Police Department who were responsible for desegregating the agency. The officers sued the department over discrimination and became the first officers in the nation to successfully bring a case against a local agency. Here is a link in the Tampa Bay Times about the story that was precipated by the event.
The Cardboard Stories, a play about the faces of homelessness, first went to stage in 2010. It was covered extensively by the Tampa Bay Times. See the report on the link below. The Power of Song Inc. now has the rights to produce the play, written by Marvia Joye Watkins Williams with music created by September Penn.
The Cardboard Stories was featured prominently in the Tampa Bay Times' feature section, Floridian as the production came to stage in 2010. The Power of Song Inc. now has the rights to produce the play, written by Marvia Joye Waktins Williams with music created by September Penn.